Your Bodies Messages and SVT

I have been taking an amazing yoga class for about 4 months now. I go every Wednesday morning no matter what. My instructor is always reminding us about how much information our bodies are constantly conveying to us and being in class is continuous reminder of this beautiful and vital relationship.

Yet, when it comes our bodies communicating to us through SVT, we all view it as a nightmare. We see it as a foe, something here to make us miserable, scare us, and be afraid of.  We forget the component of it communicating valuable information to us. We forget that our bodies work for us. It is the vessel that allows us to bring forth our purpose, our love, our missions, our families, our joy.

We are partners with our bodies.

top of the rockWe are here FOR each other, not against one another. This alone is a beautiful realization. You and your body are friends. If your body is hurting or your heart is pounding, you need to be there for it, to see how you can help it. IT is YOU! It’s asking you to listen to it and be attentive to see what it needs just like you would for anything person or thing that you love.


What if we took a moment to view our SVT as a way that our bodies are conveying to us extremely valuable information and trusting us to decipher its messages and take action on them.

My role is help you listen to and connect with your heart and body along with the deeper messages of SVT and help people move through what stops them from living a life they LOVE. I help people implement self-care, elevate their nutrition, and dig for the deeper spiritual and emotional layers to their SVT. We all have tremendous gifts and services to bring to the world, that the world desperately needs, and you cannot be your best self when you are suffering…suffering with SVT.

You can live happily with SVT and view it as your barometer and friend!  

Today I want to help you help connect with your body so that it doesn’t have to have an SVT for you to pay attention to it.

Here are a list of possible messages that your body is trying to send to you in the form of an SVT and ways to help yourself partner with those messages and respond long before it becomes an SVT.

  1. Who or what are you tired of? SVT is not just when we are physically tired but emotionally and spiritually as well.
  2. What needs to be felt and expressed? Holding in your feelings it is a set up for an SVT. Can you find time every day to let off steam, self-express in healthy ways and let the flood gates open? Issues reappear at many different times in our lives giving us another chance to heal.
  3. What needs to flow? Do you feel stuck? Moving things around in your home, clearing clutter, going for walks, all get things moving and have a ripple effect in every area of your life.
  4. What subtle messages does your body send you each day and in what part of your body do you pick up messages most?
  5. Try to respond to one way your body is talking to you every day. Even if it’s just a pause to acknowledge what you are feeling and thank it for the ways it talks to you. Ask yourself for the solution. Today I feel achy, I asked what it needs and the answer is less food, and no sugar. This makes sense to me as sugar can cause inflammation. Inflammation= achy. Now I have a choice to listen and respond.
  6. Do you promptly listen to your natural rhythms and cues? Do you drink when you are thirsty? Do you stop when you need a break? Do you go to bed when you get your first tired cue?
  7. Do you continually push push push? Can you promise to listen to it 90% of the time, so the rare moments that you really need to push, you have the reserve to withstand it? And then make up for it by refilling your bucket afterwards?
  8. If you have created a life for yourself that feels like a constant push with no room for self-care, relaxation, and rejuvenation, why you think you created this type of scenario and what can you do to take things off your plate and slow it down?
  9. You are constantly changing. What used to work for you may not work for you anymore. It’s totally OK to change what you need to change. You are allowed to change your mind! Support yourself to gently change what you need to.
  10. Self-care routines help us to LISTEN. Do you have spiritual listening practices in place like journaling, yoga, walking, meditation, resting? LISTENING is a skill. Increasing your listening practices will help you in every area of your life.
  11. What messages do you think you might be missing or ignoring? If you KNEW that responding in general and responding faster could help avert an SVT would that inspire you?

Each of us have our own unique messages and needs. SVT is your wake up call to listen and respond and nurture yourself. Self-care, Self-love, feeding your body healthy foods, less sugar, more water, more rest, more joy, clearing out the old, and creating a life you LOVE is my recipe for healing your SVT naturally. These things WORK, and they can start WORKing for you too. It all really starts with LOVING ourselves a little bit more, being a little more gentle, a little but more forgiving, a little bit slower, and whatever else your SVT is conveying to you…I hope this helps inspire you to take the very best care of yourself and your body that you can! This is our LIFE to live to the fullest! xox

A Class Just for YOU!

When you have SVT, you have a choice,  you can wake up every day scared and afraid, or you can wake up feeling empowered and do things that are within your control to prevent SVT episodes.

In a way, everything we do either contributes to an episode or helps prevent and avoid episodes.

Learning the BASICS is an essential to knowing what you can do to help yourself.

I am so passionate about helping you learn the same things that have helped me to completely reduce my episodes to less than one every 4 years (and the “one” was only because I set off all my “triggers” like  a perfect storm) which is exactly what I want to teach you how to avoid.

I used to have SVT all the time. I used to live in fear of them and never know when one would strike. When one did, I was panicked, afraid, and felt out of control. When I wasn’t having an actual episode, I felt like I was going to have one. I had POTS, was unable to move from bending or sitting to standing without a drastic change in my blood pressure. I was unable to lift my child, I was unbale to withstand heat, I was unable to drive far away alone, and lived in fear everyday of my life.

WE DONT HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAY!  I am FREE of ALL of those symptoms now.

The truth was, that I wasn’t exactly eating healthy. I wasn’t exactly living a life I loved, and I wasn’t exactly free from old childhood pain, traumas, and patterns that I was repeating, including a real LACK of self-care.

SLOWLY, I changed my life. SLOWLY I changed and transformed my diet. SLOWLY I took control of my life, health, diet, finances, and with every step, I felt better and better.

Living with SVT means accepting that we have to take our health into our own hands.  This class will help you do just that. It is a step, in a series of steps that you can do for yourself.

Class is $25.00 and includes:

  • 1 90 minute LIVE class with me
  • Time for Q + A
  • A replay of class available for you to watch anytime
  • A link to class that you will receive prior to the class to enter
  • An e-guide called SVT The Basics for you to read and take notes and review anytime you need it
  • Valuable information that you can use to help you feel better TODAY!

I use a platform called ZOOM to host the class. It is kind of like a live classroom. You will see me in a large video box and I will see you all in smaller video boxes. If you are shy, you don’t have to be visible. When you talk, your video box gets a little larger so we can know who is talking. It’s really cool.

If you miss class, can’t make it, have to leave early, etc, you can re-watch it anytime. If you want, you can even email me your questions in advance, and I will be sure to answer them. This will be especially helpful if you know you will miss a part or all of the class and want your questions answered.

To register: Click on the link below and it will take you to my website to register and pay. I receive the confirmation and reply with your link and eguide the day of class.

I HOPE that this tool helps you and I look forward to presenting you with all the SVT BASICS that each of us need to know and do to practice healthy SVT prevention!

In good health,

Laura Madrigano

  To learn more or Register Click HERE.

Frustration with Doctors is our Fuel to Dig Deeper

I’m devoting my post today to address this comment below from a member of the Heal SVT naturally Private FB group. I am doing so because our frustration with Doctors is our fuel to dig deeper to find real answers. In order to get there, we have to first let go of our expectations and second, begin to trust ourselves.

“I left a doctor’s office yesterday in tears any advice would help. I have had one documented SVT (that’s all she called it) and possibly now that I know what are one a few years ago. I had my ER follow up from the doctor and she told me without even asking me any questions or hardly working on my records that this is something i was born with, my low magnesium levels have nothing to do with it (opposite of what i have read), I have to be on medication forever or have surgery. exercise, supplements acupuncture, stress relief etc would never help and then she gave me a rx and said to come back in year!!!?? I WAS LIKE WAHHHHTTT? I left so sad and hopeless and very confused!!”

I know exactly what it feels like to be suffering and to assume that on your next Doctor visit they will carefully listen to all of your symptoms and experiences and tell you what is wrong with you and how to fix it. I spent over 9 years of my life with acute symptoms and long lists of clues but was let down over and over again by leading Cardiologists in New York, as well as highly recommended Electrophysiologists, Internists, and Endocrinologists.

It’s heartbreaking to turn to Dr’s so hopeful, and then be left without the answers we anticipated and leave feeling disempowered. I was that girl 15 years ago, seeking answers, desperate for help, and continually disappointed…but I am not that girl anymore, and you don’t have to be either.

Any Western traditional Doctor that tells you that there is NOTHING that you can do to support your health and prevent episodes should raise an eyebrow. First off, what planet are they living on, that they are not yet connecting food, the gut, the immune system and seeing the body as a whole.  Is this viewpoint really still considered “holistic or alternative” or are we just finally demanding that traditional medicine catch up with the strides being made in other fields.

The real tragedy is not that these Doctors say those things…but that WE BELIEVE THEM. What I ask you to do is not to LISTEN to me, but to LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Listen to your own intuition and inner knowing and begin there when you are left confused, scared, and disempowered.  Trust yourself over ANYONE else. You know what is best for you.

Here are all of the things that I think contribute to accelerated heart episodes, that most cardiologists will disagree with. ALL of them were within our control and don’t require medication or surgery.

  1. Feeling depleted. Pushing yourself too hard for too long.
  2. Eating large portions of food or foods that we are sensitive to, specifically carbs, gluten, sugar, meat, animal fat and dairy.
  3. Eating too many dead foods. Food from a box, frozen, not fresh.
  4. Not drinking enough water.
  5. Stress, stress that doesn’t let up, unresolved problems, no relief
  6. Anger, old anger, anger that we need to let go of.
  7. Unexpressed emotions.
  8. Lack of self-care routines, general self-neglect, low self-love, neglect in general
  9. Lack of feeling emotionally, spiritually fulfilled and nourished
  10. Not knowing how to meet your own needs, wanting other people to meet your needs.
  11. Nutritional deficiencies, this can be due to undiagnosed food intolerances. Ie: GLUTEN intolerance
  12. Imbalanced minerals.
  13. Too much salt, not enough salt, not the right salt.
  14. Not honoring our energy, energetic field, sensitivity to energy. Not knowing how to clean, and protect our energy field.
  15. Fears, inability to let go, CONTROL issues.
  16. And more….

This list can go on but I am trying to demonstrate some of the accelerated heart episode contributors that ARE within our control. Medication or Ablation cannot solve any of the above, and if you do choose that route, I assure you that any imbalances that are created by any of the above, will find a new outlet for your attention, even after an “extra pathway” is abalted.

I believe that our health issues can be a blessing in disguise. They are here to help us, if we are WILLING, to look deep enough. ILL NESS and DIS EASE can be the result of a complicated combination of emotions, feelings, and physical contributors that all play a role is sickness. Your heart accelerating isn’t here to burden you and make you miserable. It’s here because it is your bodies way of communicating with you. It needs your attention, and to what exactly only you can know. I love to ask people, “What is your accelerated Heart trying to say?” If it had a voice, what does it want you to know?

I honor and respect traditional Western medicine, and certainly appreciate the bulk of it. It saves lives. It helps with emergencies, It helps women with breech babies live through childbirth, it kills infections, and endless other benefits. But like with anything, it also has some flaws. Thankfully, many many people are interested today in looking at the body and all its systems as a WHOLE. This approach, that makes so much more sense to me, is something that my own intuition tells me is the path for me. It’s not right or wrong. It’s what right for me, and maybe is for you too.

The truth is that there are many different things that work and can help you to heal. I have done so many things that have all contributed to my healing. Some of them are:

  1. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs
  2. Changed my diet
  3. Became Gluten Free
  4. Eat way more greens, vegetables, and naturally gluten dree grains
  5. Smaller meals
  6. More exercise
  7. Lots of letting go and healing from the past, journaling
  8. Energy Healing
  9. Massage
  10. Stretching, yoga, walking, swimming, resting
  11. GIVING, giving back, giving to the world, being in service, living my divine service, helping others
  12. Increasing my self-love and care
  13. Moving homes
  14. Listening to my heart
  15. Clearing clutter, paying bills on time, organizing my life and possessions
  16. Letting go of what no longer serves me
  17. Taking supplements
  18. Eating super foods
  19. Not engaging in toxic conversations, news or other energetic drains
  20. Honoring myself….and so much more….

We all can stand to improve our self-love and care and elevate the foods we ingest. This is such a good (and free) place to start. If you feel blocked, or have a long pattern of not being able to move through an area where you feel blocked, you can journal, meditate on it, or seek a coach, or other help and support.

Further, I am so excited to mention that I am in the process of writing a book with the brilliant Dr. Peter Bongiorno, a Natourpathic Doctor who is the Vice President of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Our book will be a guide to natural approaches to healing accelerated heart issues, and will hopefully be a breakthrough in our under-researched field providing clarity, practical steps, and new approaches for healing.

I invite you to choose confidence when it comes to listening or not listening to a Doctor that doesn’t share your philosophy or leaves you feeling worse about your situation instead of better.

Journaling is my favorite way to get really honest with yourself about WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HEAL YOUR SVT naturally! Try answering these questions…

  1. Do I trust others more than I trust myself? Do I feel that I know what is best for my health?
  2. Do I think that I have control over my health? Where do I display confidence in my ability to heal myself?
  3. What do I value most? Do my Actions each day align with those values?
  4. Do I eat carbs, white flour, white sugar or dead foods from a box with no nutritional value. Do I feel ready to elevate my eating and work through my blocks?
  5. Do I have any unresolved emotional eating issues that I am willing to look at?
  6. What can I do to immediately improve my diet and self-care?
  7. Do I wake up excited about my life?
  8. Do I love myself and practice loving self-care each and every day?
  9. Do I take baths, and walks, and put on music that I like?
  10. Am I in deeply loving, nurturing relationships?
  11. Do I have a relationship with my heart? Do I listen to it? Can I hear it? Do I know my heart’s desires?
  12. Do I give back to the world? Am I in service? Do I help people and feed my heart and soul through giving? Do I experience the HEART JOY of giving?
  13. Do I listen to my intuition when making decisions for myself, my life and my health?
  14. What is one step that I can do today to improve the quality of my life and show myself how much I value myself?

I hope that this article helps you to trust yourself, and look at other, less obvious, areas of life that may be contributing to your SVT or other accelerated heart conditions. You deserve health, wealth and happiness, and I hope to inspire you to take the very best care of yourself that you can. You have one life to live and the world needs you. Imagine what you could be doing when you FEEL BETTER. That is what I hold for each of you! That you meet your potential and LOVE yourself to the life you DREAM of.

Xoxox Laura Madrigano

If you would like to speak with my directly about one-on-one coaching just hit reply to this email!

Accelerated Heart Layers and Avoiding Ablation

I read a lot of accelerated heart and SVT stories every day. Through the blog, comments, personal emails and now the incredible facebook group, I hear a lot of people struggling with whether or not they should get ablation. The decision, just like SVT, has layers.

man cloudsAblation is not something that you can avoid without making diet and lifestyle changes to really try to prevent and avoid SVT. Maybe this simple and complex truth is layer one to study while weighing your decision.

Wanting your SVT to go away, feeling like a victim, and being afraid of the surgery, is not enough to help you avoid ablation. You really have to feel ready and willing to look at your health and the way you live and care for yourself in a whole new way. This evaluation needs to be done with truthful eyes, sensing your willing to change, and determination to heal.

For anyone who is trying to avoid ablation, I’m going to give it to you straight…Unless and until you totally do everything within your power to take control of your health, you are not going to prevent your SVT’s from happening, nor feel in control of your heart’s tendency to accelerate.

Preventing accelerated heart issues has many layers. I like to say at least three.

  1. Physical layers: Food, digestion, food allergies, supplements, minerals, bowel movemetns, our weight, physical exercise, overeating, and more.
  2. It has emotional layers: Stress, Emotions, Unhealed wounds from the past, anxiety, self-care habits, daily routines, the way we process anger and our desire to nurture and nourish ourselves and more.
  3. Energetic & Spiritual layers: The willingness to look at what your SVT is trying to tell you. Connecting the dots between your Body, Mind and Spirit. Looking at your intuition, listening to our bodies, tapping into joy, your life purpose, happiness, and living your truth.

SVT is an opportunity to view your body, mind and spirit as a WHOLE unit. To AVOID ablation you really have to WANT to take control of your health and your life. This is my main message that is not always easy to hear….SVT is here to teach you something…maybe you have not been taking care of yourself, maybe you eat too much sugar, maybe you smoke, maybe you hate your job, maybe your house is cluttered, maybe you are in debt, maybe your sad, maybe you just lost someone you love or are still grieving loss from a long time ago, maybe you cant let go, or anger easily, or are controlling…maybe you have disorderly eating, maybe you used to binge and purge, maybe you have a food allergy…the list goes on.

Your accelerated heart is just where your body is showing you signs of a deeper imbalance.  An imbalance that is begging you to pay attention to it and to do something about listen to it!  Your proneness to SVT is like someone else being prone to an injury in the same area over and over..its your weak spot, your Achilles heel. Accelerated heart is YOUR Achilles heel…(and mine)

Your choice to ablate or not, is not going to address of those underlying layers that I mentioned. Having ablation and still eating a poor diet, will only leave you with another heath issue on the horizon.

Oprah always says the Universe whispers, and believe it or not, your SVT is your friend.

It is here to alarm you that something in your life is not right and your heart is begging you for your attention to it. To listen to it, to be willing to change, to be willing to love yourself and care for your health and potential to live a healed and amazing life. You can start to try to “fix” it in any of the 3 layers I mentioned. The important step is just to begin. No judgement, no blame, no being mad at ourselves, just love yourself wherever you are at in the process.

So, in order to “decide” if ablation is the right choice for you, I would first measure your willingness to address and dive into the layers. Your answer will reveal itself in that truthful look within.

So for you lovely precious accelerated friends, I would like to ask, are you really doing everything in your power and control to love and take care of yourself? That is ultimately what I am here for…to help you see the bigger message of SVT. What is your SVT trying to teach you?

Everyone needs support and I LOVE supporting people to LOVE and CARE for themselves! When we do that, our lives are incredible and we can connect with our deepest purposes in life! But it starts with taking tiny baby steps to eat right and love ourselves the best way we can. I LOVE you guys, and I advocate for your best health ever. If ablation is what you choose, it’s your choice, but I wouln’t be doing my job if I didn’t help you at least look at the whole picture when making such an important decision.  Below are some questions to journal about on the topic…Thank you for allowing me into your hearts! Xoxo Laura

  1. Do I believe that my SVT is a Body, Mind Spirit issue?
  2. Am I happy with my current diet?
  3. Do I KNOW that I could be eating much healthier than I currently am?
  4. Do I have a beautiful easy bowel movement every morning?
  5. Am I drinking 8 full glasses of water every day?
  6. Do I LOVE green juice and make sure to include it in my diet every day or every other day?
  7. Do I have a clear purpose in my life right now?
  8. Do I feel joy on a daily basis?
  9. Do I take time to nourish my spirit ?
  10. Do I journal, walk, swim, enjoy nature?
  11. Have I ever asked my SVT what it is here to teach me?
  12. How do I listen to or ignore my heart?

Last but not least, for anyone who is struggling and feels ready to take charge of their health and take control of their accelerate heart, I am an SVT coach. Please feel free to call on me. I offer a free 30 minute call. After that I charge $125.00 per session. I also offer an SVT coaching package for anyone that knows that they need more than one session on their journey. We talk via skype and I will help you no matter where you are at in your journey. Ready to begin? Set up your FREE 30 minutes HERE. 

How to avoid an SVT this summer

Summer Heat is an SVT trigger for many. This is a quick reminder on all the things that you can do to avoid an SVT this summer…

  • Stay hydrated. At least 8 full, large glasses of water each day. MORE if you are exercising or working outside.
  • FRUIT, at least 3 per day. Good ones are watermelon, cantaloupe, and nectarineelectrolytes
  • Avoid Gluten. Even if you are not ready to become gluten free. Try to avoid gluten for a few weeks in a row this summer. Replace with brown rice, qunioa, and brown rice pasta, or home made  baked goods that you make with brown rice flour or GF rolled oats.
  • Add Electrolytes to your water. Buy a box and then carry the little one shot packets with you. Get them at a health food store and try add this into your rotation every day or every other day. (see picture)
  • Probiotics- I LIVE for probiotics. I cannot say enough about what a game changer they are. It’s all about keeping your gut happy and healthy. If you do nothing else, add in a good probiotic. NOTE: They need to be refrigerated. Do not buy the ones from a shelf. They are NOT the ones I mean. Probiotics are a live culture and to live need to stay cold. I use a basic Jarro dophilus brand.
  • Add in COOLING vege’s like cucumber, zucchini, coconut, avocado, romaine lettuce, and berries into your daily diet!.
  • Ice water with lemon or lime or mint leaves or slices of oranges or anything unqiue that you can think of that sounds yummy with ice. Stay cool.
  • When you get too hot, take a break! If you don’t have A/C use the old fashion cold washcloth method…on the wrists and neck.
  • REST, lay down for 10 minutes every day. No need for a 2 hour nap, a few little rests will do.
  • Make sure your bowels are moving. If you are not having a nice, satisfying bowel movement every single morning…there are things that you can do to make this happen! (I can help you with this!)
  • Listen to your body! Whatever that means for you. If your body is talking, try to listen. These messages are unique to only you!
  • Start a morning ritual where each morning upon waking, you ask your self “What foods would best serve me today? What do I need?” and wait for the answer…it might surprise you!
  • Reach out for help! If you would like help with your SVT, join our private FB group, or email me for a FREE 30 minute skype call if you are thinking about working with me to help coach you with any challenges that you are facing! There are sooooo many things that you can do to avoid an episode…you do not have to live in fear!

You are NOT alone if the heat bothers your SVT. Hope this reminder helps you to take great care of yourself this summer! Comment or email me with any questions! xox Laura

Kid Freindly “Chocolate” Smoothie

PicMonkey CollageRecently I learned about “Amazing Meal”. Another great gluten-free protein powder, that is KID friendly…or great for the KID inside us all!

If you are in the mood for something “chocolaty”, this is an “amazing” option. Its cold, not overwhelming and delicious! A GREAT healthy SWEET treat!

Here’s what I did:

  • Banana
  • Frozen Strawberries
  • Unsweetened Rice Milk
  • Scoop of amazing meal

I blended it in my Nutribullet and seconds later its ready. As you can see, my son thought it was cool.

A word about the nutribullet…Years ago I DID invest in a Vitamix, and I have to say that for a lot less money I am VERY HAPPY with my Nutribullet. So if you don’t have a hi-speed blender yet to make smoothies, I would say this Nutribullet is the way to go.

Here’s a shot of the back of the container. ENJOY!

ALL 677


A quick reminder about the importance of H2o. WATER is the FIRST “go to” resource I use to prevent SVT in general. Staying hydrated is one of the most important and easiest things we can do for our bodies. The minute I feel a flutter, or hot, or “off”,  I check in with watermyself about the last time I had a glass of water and assess my water intake. I then go immediately to the kitchen to pour myself a tall glass of room temperature water. This FREE and EASY Resource is my number one TIP for SVT prevention.

The temperature of the water you drink all day should be room temp, not too cold. Why? Because that is the gentlest temperature for our bodies to adjust to and we put an unneeded work load on our digestion when we consume COLD things. I only use COLD water if I feel symptomatic..(which on some days may be frequently). In fact, if I feel symptomatic, a cold glass of water with ice sometimes does the trick. and, every time I leave the house, it’s always with a container of water with ice. However, on a normal day when I’m just staying super hydrated, room temp water is the way to go….all day long…

So , how may glasses of water are you drinking daily? A general goal should be around 6-8. When I was pregnant, I drank even more.

Another easy tip is to always start your day off with a tall glass of water. This gets your first glass down right away and has other benefits as well…it will get things moving and clearing and usually send me straight to the bathroom for my morning Bowel Movement. (another preventative measure)

Then I drink another half glass with my scoop of Cal Mag Citrate… with two glasses down, your off to a good foundation to continue with throughout the day.

Do I even need to mention…NO SODA???? ever!!!!

So, check in with yourself and see if your water intake is sufficient….or if you are due for a tall glass right now!!!

Food Tracker

I recently created a Food Tracker excel spreadsheet for people to download for free. The purpose is to use it as a tracker and a guide to help capture clues to analyze to see what may be contributing to your SVT.

The Food Tracker has columns for bowel movements, supplements, food etc…and is a simple document that you can print out and fill in to help you track everything you are eating and doing, so that later you can reflect on it and try to find clues that may have contributed to your SVT’s.  (You can find the food tracker on the side bar of the blog, it is in a pink and turquoise box that says FOOD TRACKER download.)

If you are having SVT’s currently then consider downloading it and using it as a tool to help you….Its totally free and I created it as a support tool. Sometimes it takes more than the obvious to help us figure out what is contributing to our SVT…maybe something that is not as obvious as gluten is a trigger for you…the food tracker can help you put the clues together and read in between the lines….Also, I love a good mystery, so if you really want help analyzing the food tracker information that you filled in, then you can click on the food tracker support package to enlist my help.

Here are some basics to review if you are currently suffering with frequent SVT episodes.

1. WATER…are you drinking 8-10 glasses per day?

2. SLEEP- are you sleeping 8 hours per night?

3. GREENS…how many greens are you eating each day?

4. GLUTEN…are you GF?

5. BOWEL MOVEMENTS…are you having a nice solid BM each morning?

6. SUGAR-….are you eating too much sugar? White sugar? coffee? soda? cakes? cookies?

7. REST…are you resting when you need to? a few little rest stops throughout the day will do wonders for our stress.

8. LITE MEALS…don’t overeat in one sitting…smaller meals are less likely to cause SVT.

9. VITIMANS….are you taking the following…Cal Mag citrate? B’s, D3, Probiotics, start with those…

10. JOURNALING…What does your heart want to say, do, change, be, feel? Are you ignoring your hearts desires???

If you are doing all of the above, (for real) and are suffering with frequent SVT’s then definitely download and fill out the food tracker, it’s another tool to try to help us,…and feel free to enlist my help if you want to….We can figure out why you are suffering and try to reduce the frequency of your SVT’s together!

Also, if you have downloaded the tracker and want to comment on it, if you liked it, if I forgot something, etc…then feel free to comment on this blog post so I can improve the document to better serve us all. I am open to editing it, please let me know what you think of it, if it helped you, etc.!

Love and healing, Laura xoxoxoxo