Talk to Laura

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fannywood 2013 116To ask me a question via Comments:

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We are all at different stages on our healing journey and there are many layers to why we each suffer from a unique health issue....I welcome wherever you at and hope that you benefit from this site and my findings

Love + Healing, Laura

29 thoughts on “Talk to Laura

  1. I’ve just been diagnosed with SVT last week! My questions are numerous and I have been feeling lost until I found your site!!! My cardiologist wanted me to take atenalol but it didn’t resonate with what I was trying to do for my heart and overall health and I had many more questions than simply taking a pill. So here I am imbarking on this newest chapter of my life and I’m trying to be brave but it feels a little scary and a lot out of control but I’m willing to do what it takes to heal my body naturally! I have a fantastic Chinese acupuncturist that I started seeing before I saw the cardiologist and I have cut gluten, dairy, caffeine , corn from my diet as I was stool and blood tested for food allergies 4 yrs ago by my ND. I was eating clean for 18 months and I am clean again after reading your suggestions! My SVT’s seem to be the worst at night when I’m sleeping and it’s leaving me exhausted after a night of poor quality sleep and adrenaline surges with panic! I’m doing a lot of positive self dialog and meditation and I’m now off work for a week and plan to nap,nap, nap any time I need to!!! I guess I’m wondering if you have any ideas as to what causes SVT to be worse at night and what would you suggest I try to get some good sleep? Thank you for starting this beautiful and helpful site you’re an earth angel for doing it!!! Thanks! sincerely, Kristine


    1. Hi Kristine! Thanks for writing! It sounds like you are on a great path! As I started to write you a long reply about how to get a good nights sleep etc… I decided to turn it into a blog post! I hope you sign up to receive my posts and feel free to write me anytime!!!! Make sure to read my post today, it is written for you!!! xoxo Laura


      1. Thank you for the helpful info on sleep!!! I am deficient in yin energy and am working on that! I was sleeping propped up for 4 yrs and at the advice of my acupuncturist I stopped and started sleeping on my right side! That was about 2 weeks ago! I have had at least one super bad night sleeping that way so I will try propping again and sleep on my side ! Thank you again for the support! Kristine


  2. Hello lovely Laura! I adore your site and have been reading the posts regularly over and over since I was discharged from hospital on New Year’s Eve 2013. Diagnosed with SVT after being taken to accident and emergency on 28th December 2013. Heart rate up at 200bpm and was in and out of SVT’s from 6.30pm to just after midnight. Had 3 shots of adenosine which worked initially but then the SVT’s started up again. Eventually they slowed down and stopped and I was taken up to cardiac ward. Doctor said my blood tests showed low magnesium and potassium and very low phosphorus ( low enough to be diagnosed with hypophosphatemia) so I was put on IV drips for phosphate and magnesium and given potassium by mouth the next day. They also gave me a beta blocker. Having not taken any orthodox medication for 7 years I was reluctant to take it but they assured me I needed it, I thought it was a one off but I was given another one the next day, biosoprolol 5 mg I was very upset at having to take a second tablet, but felt so vulnerable after the night of SVT’s during which I thought I was going to die. I did not think to refuse the medication and neither did I realise I was being put on it regularly until I got the prescription made up for me at discharge. I had been wheat free for some time but after reading your blog I went totally gluten free one month ago. I had been vegan for 18 months but having read that vegans can be low in D3 and if that us the case they can have mineral absorption problems I introduced organic eggs and goat dairy back into my diet. I am currently contemplating eating fish but gave not done so yet. I eat no refined sugar, chocolate, caffeine, cow dairy, gluten or alcohol. I had eaten rye toast the day before the SVT’s and gad felt ” off ” all day. I was working hard, pushing myself, not exercising enough etc and after reading your articles I feel I could well have adrenal fatigue. I had an echo cardio gram yesterday and all was normal no sign of structural heart disease. I have had no SVT’s for a month and after really terrible side effects I have finally managed to convince the doctor to let me reduce the beta blocker by half so now I am on the very low dose of 2.5mg per day. My aim us to get off the medication ASAP. I am seeing a herbalist who feels I can now start to take herbs at a low dose as I am on such a low dose of beta blocker and he has made me up a remedy containing motherwort, rhodiola, liquorice root, gotu kola and bugle weed. I am due to start taking these herbs tomorrow as a compound tincture although a bit worried combining beta blocker and herbs. My herbalist assures me the dosages are safe and the aim is to support the heart from going into SVT just like the beta blocker did and to slowly decrease beta blocker, increase herbs so eventually I am off the beta blocker. He had also suggested magnesium taurine and D3 and possibly a good quality multivitamin and mineral. I am eating goats yogurt for probiotics but after reading your site am also going to get probiotics, don’t want to overload my system with too much in one go, I am very sensitive to everything I eat and drink. The 5 mg of biosoprolol was like a sledge hammer on my system, so glad I am on half dose now. Been very anxious and scared to go anywhere, reading your blog has instilled positive feelings and faith in me whenever I feel scared. It had been such a challenging journey and my heart goes out to everyone affected by SVT. Thankyou so much for this blog, bless you.
    Magenta xx


    1. Dear Magenta, Thank you so much for your post and story…There are so many aspects of your story that I would love to address…but the first one, and most important, is for you to really listen to your body and tune into it like never before! Practice listening and try to even develop an active listening process. Maybe journaling would be good for you, or ask your self to dream about what foods would be the most beneficial for you and see if you get any messages. I too was vegan for a while and now I crave and eat meat. There are no guidelines that we all must follow in life. I know that being vegan sometimes sounds like the most ideal way to go, and for a while it can be, but without trying to follow any one “diet” I would encourage you to simply listen to yourself…eat what you crave…if you are in the mood for eggs…then so be it..if you want a piece of meat…the same. Just try to eat the best of whatever it is that you are eating…organic, hormone free, grass fed…and small amounts, chew well etc. Its sounds like you are not absorbing your nutrients and your gut needs healing. Did you have any food issues in the past that could have contributed to that? I think for me, gluten was in the way of me absorbing my nutrients. The other thing is to slow down…don’t push yourself too hard and rest when your body and mind need it. I know its hard to do, but its another way to build back up your adrenals. Start to make even more room in your life to listen to your unique needs and desires and that is what will lead you on the path to health. Im so happy you wrote, please stay in touch! xoxoxo Love and Healing, Laura


  3. Hello Laura, thankyou so much for your reply. Your advice on really listening to your body and to your heart really is the best advice you can give and I am doing this now every day. I am not working since I came out of hospital so if my heart is saying rest, then I rest. A couple of times my heart has been ” agitated” and ” restless” and in those jumps or ectopic beats. This is usually linked to food and I am keeping a food journal. My heart did not like the tinned soup I had a few days ago And it reacted straight away so I will not eat tinned soup again. My heart does not like it when I rush my meals or eat too much. I am taking a very low dose of beta blocker now, only 2.5 mg and feeling much better. I am taking very low doses of motherwort, bugleweed and rhodiola under the guidance of a medical herbalist and my doctor. Sipping this herbal remedy ( 5 drops in water at the moment) does calm my heart when it is restless. The dream suggestion is a great idea and I will do this. I agree with you that this is an absorption issue. I did read that if you are low in vitamin D3 then it can prevent you from absorbing minerals from plant based sources. I now eat goat dairy, orgsnic eggs and wild salmon and am going to take D3 probably in spray form. I do not know what else could have contributed to a malabsorption issue. I ate macrobiotic a few years ago and followed the budwig protocol for a severe cervical pre-cancer. The doctors said I would develop full blown cervical cancer within a year if I did not have a hysterectomy. I refused to hysterectomy and treated it with macrobiotic diet, budwig protocol and several other supplements, herbs etc and got the all clear after 2 years. I did not appear to have any absorption issues back then and I cannot think of anything other than low D3. I had a bio resonance test and GDV testing just before Christmas which showed I was low in D3. Your advice if slowing down is also just what I need to do and I am doing that. The biggest challenge is going out. The further I go away from home I think ” what if I get an SVT” and my anxiety increases. Having read the posts on your site I know this is really common. I am going to start gentle yoga soon which will hopefully help with the anxiety. Thankyou again Laura for this website and for all your help and support not just to me but to all the posters here. So good that you have not had an SVT for so long and have done it all naturally. Lots of love, Magenta xxx


    1. Hi Magenta, Im so glad that you are feeling better and to hear from you again…It seems like you are taking positive steps in all areas of your health and that is what healing is all about, not just your heart but in your food choices, your other health issues, your self-care…Amazing advancements! Keep it up! D3 is very important and I am glad to hear that you are taking that. The B’s are also extremely important and I would like to see you add those as well. They can be especially useful for the whole pre-cervical cancer issue. (which I also had many years ago). That is usually from the HPV virus (which is sexually transimitted)…So while cervical cancer is not always caused by HPV, just remember to always use a condom…no matter what…until you are in a loving monogamous relationship. That alone will protect you against developing it again (as long as your partner doenst have it…if they do, you can contract it again even if you are monogamous with each other.). Always having protected sex is just another way to lovingly take care of your precious health. I love that you clearly realized that a canned soup didn’t agree with you….The fact that you even went for one, shows that you are tired…too tired to make yourself something…which juts shows that you need lots and lots of rest! Keep resting and when you feel up to it, maybe every sunday or so, try to make a big batch of fresh soup, with garlic, onions, veggies and baens…and then refridgerate some and FREEZE one or 2 tupperwares of it, so you can choose that to eat on days when you are just too tired to cook!. Also a quick smoothie is always a yummy choice…not much cooking involved…just a banana, some greens, or berries, some rice milk, honey, whatever you have on hand! Blend it and take a nap!!!! As you slowly feel better you will feel more able to travel further from home…and until then, try to ask a friend or something to go with you. Its OK to nurture yourself in whatever way you NEED to feel safe. Also, look up EFT, tapping videos for anxiety. Its an excellent method to let go of anxious emotions and heal emotional stuff that also contributes to the heart! Write anytime, I love to hear from you, all the best, lots of love and healing xoxoxo Laura


  4. Hello. I was diagnosed with svt about a year ago. I’ve had an ep study with an attempted ablation which didn’t go as planned, so my ep decided not to ablate. I’m on a beta blocker to control my heart rate, but I still have svt episodes. I have completely cut out caffeine, alcohol, gluten from my diet. I drink a ton of water. I eat no sweets (and I mean none…no cookies, candy, cake etc) and limit my “junk food” to say maybe a handful of gluten free potato chips. I eat almost entirely fresh produce and some meats. My svts and the anxiety that comes alone with it has gotten much better since changing my entire lifestyle, but I still have episodes on occasion, especially right before my period. I’m wondering first of all, if I’m missing something. Secondly, I am curious to know exactly what about gluten is bad for svt. Friends and family ask me all the time and I’m never good at explaining it. I’ve done it because I’ve read gluten is bad, but I’d like a reason why. Thanks so much!


    1. Hello, thank you for your post. Gluten is “Bad” if you are allergic to it. Its also genetically modified and in nearly everything which means we are just overall consuming way too much of it. If you are allergic to it and eliminate it, after about a year you will start to absorb your minerals and nutrients again. The more nourished you are the less likely an SVT. Since you are doing the basics and still having SVT’s I would look at all the other things I list on this site.
      1. Did you do the stool sample? This gives YOU specific knowledge about your food allergies and clues on how exactly to modify your diet further
      2. Do you drink your greens?
      3. How long have you been GF?
      4. How are your self-care methods?
      5. Do you push yourself? Do you have old anger that needs releasing? Are you living a joyful, loving happy life? Is your heart happy?
      6. how are your stools? Analyze those to see if your diet and absorbtion is on track…What do they look like? How frequent etc.
      7. Are you taking your probiotics?
      8. Are you taking B’s D3? cal mag?
      9. Do you eat quiona and beans and lots of veggies?

      Since you seem like someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to support your SVT, just look at all these other areas and see if there is room anywhere else to further tweek things….Try journaling with your heart and SVT and ask it for guidance on what it needs so you can try to provide it! Best of luck, email anytime and I will try to help! Love and healing, Laura


      1. 1-I did not do the stool sample…are you referring to the one enterolab offers? I just found out about these stool tests and I am planning to do it. 2-I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables not I don’t drink them. 3-I went gf back in march, did that for several months, and then my ep told me it was foolish and the only foods that affect svt are caffeine and alcohol. I went back to eating gluten, felt like my svts got worse, but I couldn’t be sure because anxiety attacks started happening, and it’s hard to distinguish the difference sometimes. In December I resumed a fully gf lifestyle, I eat none. 4-I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean by self care. 5-I live a mostly happy life. My job is demanding and stressful, but I manage. Home life is pretty good as well. 6-I usually go once a day, sometimes more, but at least once. It’s solid and usually greenish in color, I assume because I eat so much spinach, broccoli, etc. 7 and 8-no. I’m not familiar with either of those. 9-I do tons of vegetables, beans a few times per week. I haven’t had quinoa but I do gf rice in occasion. I truly appreciate your help.


  5. Got sent to the ER again! I feel like the svt and anxiety have taken over my body. I am seriously scared…since everyone poopoo’s it: it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. I feel frustrated and at my witts end. Yet another cardiac workup…will it show anything.? Even in the er last night ! I could tell the doc was pushing my high BP and chest discomfort off on anxiety. God, its frustating and I have 3kids, work PT, and my hubby will be losing his job the end of next month….doesnt look like the stress is going anywhere, and I guess I am maxed out since I just had another svt episode. Started seeing a counselor and opening up tomore friends as well. Its a very humbling experience…I would appreciate any kind words or support. thank you..mary


    1. Hi Mary, Sorry you are going through such a stressful time! Im just wondering what are your self-care routines? Are you drinking water? Taking Vit B and D? Are you Gluten free? If you tell me a little more about your diet, lifestyle, eating, sleeping habits, I can help you further…Just remember SVT (as you just pointed out) is more likely to occur when we are stressed, tired, depleted, and consuming trigger foods, etc…So we simply MUST do everything in our own power to counter those issues..Are you meditating, walking, taking baths, using essential oils to relax? I know it can seem overwhelming to take amazing care of ourselves admist all of life’s stressful things, but we only have one life to live!!!! Imagine that you really have the power to change your health! You CAN do it! Go through your cabinets, throw out the junk, drink green juices, wake up and stretch or go for a walk! Overhaul everything if you have to….You will be a great example for your family….No one can take care of YOU as good as YOU can! Let me know more details so I can see how I can help, all the best, xoxox Laura


      1. Thank you Laura for catching the life line I threw out. Ya want to hear the ironic part, I am a certified holistic nurse. Crazy right….I am presently working in a hosp setting on a traumafloor, which is fast paced and really difficult. as far as self practices, I started to journal and use the tapping technique to help with my anxiety…about a 3months ago, mainly because I was taking time off so I could have my gall bladder out. I feel as though I have been on a treadmill for years now…working 2jobs at times to keep the family afloat, whilemy hubby was out of work.
        As far as diet, I was raced with junk and have over the past couple of years have gone to food to combat stress. It felt like food was the only way I could nurture myself. Each time I would binge eat, it made me feel worse…hence the gall bladder is now out.
        I started back to the gym about 3weeks ago and I think I might of pushed too hard too fast because I would feel like my heart rate would nevercome down. It has been 2 years since I had my last svt episode..had the full cardiac w/u showed just a hypersensitivity. Doc attributed to stress.
        Lately, I have felt anxiety, especially at work…with kids at home…financial stuff. Tapping helps…meditating…I filled an entire journal over past 3 months. So many reallizations of how self nurturing for moi was falling by the wayside…my diet is junk with some bouts of fruit…
        I am reallizing just how critical I am with myself…and as Louise Hay says, be a friend to yourself..and love yourself.
        Thanks for being such a caring soul! My heart is wide open for any healthy info and any tlc..xo mary


      2. HI Mary, I had a baby this year and as I review the site I see that I missed approving a few outstanding comments! Yours was one of them, my apologies!!!! I hope you are finding ways to self-care and eat a healthier diet! Try starting with simple things like brown rice, beans and veggies! I love tapping, journaling, and just plain old resting! A good sleep routine works wonders. In fact, my sleep is off right now because of my baby and my risk of SVT is higher than its been in ages. Start with SLEEP, WATER, and putting as many healthy foods in your body as possible. LEt me know how you are doing! all the best, xoxox LAura


  6. I control my SVT by daily lap swimming for 45 minutes with a front-mounted snorkel which allows me to relax and concentrate on my stroke rather than putting so much energy into turning my head to breath. I’m 6 feet, 180 pound, 68 year-old male. You don’t talk about exercise other than to say light exercise each day. I’m pushing myself to 60 lengths or 1 mile each day and getting my heart-rate up to 140 BPM. What is your exercise? Have you considered swimming or stationary cycling?


  7. Another trip to the cardiologist today…stress test…echo..ekg’s…I think most of us know the routine. All he could say was ablation, ablation! meds to help with stress. Yikes…I am not a pill taker for sure.
    Today, I vowed when I left his office to change my diet , start to holistically heal my heart and finally pay attention to what its trying to tell me.
    I have never felt this physically and emotionally sick….so I take control here and now. I love this website and all of Lauras great info.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life! Thankfully I got 2 weeks off as per my request from the doc. Lets support each other shall we….xo mary


  8. Hi Mary, I too have had SVT’s since September 2013 that were out of control!!! In December these episodes led me to seek cardiology help! Like you they wanted me to take pills which I declined and decided to seek out naturalpathic, acupuncturist and nutritional avenues. I also found great help and comfort From Laura’s website! I am eating clean food meaning no gluten,dairy,soy or any foods I am allergic to. I also avoid sugar and caffeine and take vitamin D,calcium and magnesium and drink green smoothies most days and eat organic. I have also been exploring my hearts emotions and learning to love myself and care about me first and foremost so I can be my very best for all! Iam so happy to say that I am feeling fantastic,sleeping well and not having SVT’s!!!! Hang in there and make the Commitment to yourself to do what it takes to feel healthy and you will start to feel wonderful again soon!!!! It’s only been a few months and I feel like a new woman and I know you will too!!! Sending you much love,undestanding & incouragement, Kristine


    1. Thanks so much for your kind words Kristine! I am super encouraged by hearing about how your dietary changes and emotionally heart centered work has brought you to a place where you feel great. I truly believe that eating the junk food added to my svt for sure. Is there a website that gives you more info about gluten free diet? These past few weeks I have felt so bad…especially feeling that sheer terror when you feel like you have that pause immediately prior to an episode of svt….like your heart may stop.
      As far as emotions go, I have been journalling my heart out, doing alot of tapping, crying a whole lot….and trying to get in a recieving mode so I can open my heart up to support and love from others. A learning and humbling experience for sure.
      Thank God for websites like this one because it allows you to know you’re not alone.


    2. Hi Mary, I just had a thought and I’m wondering if you acid reflux? The reason I ask is because I have it and when it’s not controlled my SVTs are out of control!!! I take 10mg of famotadine in the evening and this really has made a huge impact on stopping my SVTs along with the other changes!! Just last night I had redux and my heart was beating crazy so I took famotadine and it stopped! Just sharing. Because I firmly believe there is a link between redux and SVT! I hope you are well and on the path to recovery!!! Best wishes always, Kristine

      Sent from my iPhone Kristine


  9. Wow Kristine…it so amazing you said that because I have always known there was some correlation bt my heart and my stomach. I have been trying to be alot more healthy with my eating ….however today, for some reason I was ravenous and I definately overate. Now my stomach is bloated and I am totally uncomfortable. and yep, my heart feels weird too….like the feeling you get before you have an episode of svt. I have been feeling pretty good because I have been being kind to myself with my self nurturing. But i am super glad that you mentioned the acid reflux. I use aloevera juice pretty frequently.. Tomorrows a new day..thanks, mary


  10. Hello,
    I was diagnosed with SVT in the early 1990’s. The doctor told me that there were four things that he felt contrubuted to my episodes nictine, caffeine, an unhelthy diet, and stress. For a long time I could not find anyone thant suffered from SVT. It seemed a taboo topic. But, now it does not seem to be such a hush topic. I was so excited when I came across your blog that I decided to start one on SVT under the topic of recieving stress through prayer. Thank you so much for your blog and please feel free to viev mine at


  11. I am considering ablation for my svt. I have had this condition since I was a child and I am now 55 yrs old. What are your thoughts on ablation. Thank you.


    1. Hi! Thanks for you comment! Ablation is a personal decision. It wasn’t a consideration for me personally, and I choose to treat my SVT with as many natural alternatives as possible. However, if I was suffering drastically weekly or daily, I really cant say what I would do, since Im not in that position. All of the changes I make work. and when I don’t implement them, I can feel my risk of SVT creeping back up. I control it with healthy food, sleep, stress choices etc. I really believe with all my heart that everything we discuss here really can help you reduce the frequency of your SVT’s. xoxo all the best whatever you decide. These ideas can only help you improve your overall health no matter what your decision:) I would at least check in with myself about my water intake, possible food allergies etc..


  12. I have had SVT since 2001 and had a failed ablation in 2011. I have recently figured out that one of my triggers is being more tired than usual and am hoping this awareness will help prevent future episodes. I wonder if anyone has noticed anything similar? I was also told recently that acupuncture can help with reducing the frequency/intensity of episodes and am going to start this treatment next week. I’d love to hear if anyone has had experience treating SVT with acupuncture. I do follow many of Laura’s suggestions re: diet including being gluten-free for the past year and a half but have found I still need more help. Thanks, Annette


    1. Hi Annette, Thanks for your post. I did try acupuncture for over 2 years consistently and I think that it helped a lot, but I went to someone who blended his own Chinese herbs and those were also made a huge difference in addition to the acupuncture. He was an excellent pulse reader and gave me extremely good care that was so specific to my exact constitution and health issues. Make sure you go to someone really, really qualified! You are soooo right that being tired definitely increases your risk. OTher major things are water intake, reduced sugar, smaller more frequent meals, daily bowel movements, taking probiotics and some supplements. I would love to help you further if you still need another set of yes to help you fine tune and investigate your triggers..Have you downloaded the free food tracker? If so, fill it in for a week and see what you think might be contributing. I Will gladly assist if I can. Keep track of times per day, stress levels, along with water etc. Make sure you are eating lots of nutrient dense foods as well. lots of beans, quiona and veggies! all the best, good luck! xoxo laura


  13. Hi Laura…Thanks for the advice re: acupuncture. The person I will see is part of an integrative medicine practice I’ve been going to for the past year and a half so I will be sure to ask her about things I need to complement the acupuncture. Thanks also for the advice on diet. I have paid close attention to diet for years now and have found that one of the major triggers of SVT for me is caffeine. Chinese tea twice one week was the culprit of my last episode…yes, I know I should know better! Take care and thanks for the great website. Annette


    1. Hi Annette, There are 2 things I have learned that I live my life by. 1. Listen to YOUR OWN body. Chinese tea might work for one person and for you it causes SVT. Personally, I haven’t been able to EVER drink Green tea and lots of people rave about it. In fact, while I like acupuncture and those Chinese herbs worked wonders for me…the typical Chinese diet including white rice created horrible constipation for me. Diet wise I lean toward ayurvedic practices and am becoming increasingly interested in it. 2. Even if you like ONE aspect of something, it doesn’t mean you have to FOLLOW the whole regime. Just pick what works for you. Many years ago I went to a self improvement seminar. I loved a LOT of it, but some of it was a little too much for me. Instead of loving it, hating it etc. I just TOOK what worked for me and LEFT the rest. ITS all OK!!!!!Just follow the basics, like water, no caffeine, no gluten, light meals, lots of veggies, sleep, rest, etc. and you will start to KNOW what is triggering you. I am always here to listen and help! You are doing great, never judge yourself, every day you are learning and getting better and better. xoxo Laura


  14. I stumbled across your blog lookingfor help for SVT. Your blog motivated me to change my diet almost completely. Result? From pretty much an episode A DAY to nothing in a MONTH except fora few flutters here and there. I was ADDICTED to coffee, sugar, salt, etc… and now no coffee at all (beenjust over a week) and light on teh salt and sugar). I am also waking up to a smoothie instead of caffeine (homemade with blueberries, kale, banana, etc) and the SVT? It’s not hitting me like it did!

    Thank you for your awesome advice, blogging, etc. Your blog motivated me and while I’m suffering a bit (from junk food and only once daily eating to three meals a day and healthy food) it’s worth it!


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